woman receiving microdermabrasion therapy on forehead at beauty spa

7 Skin Issues You Can Treat With Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments available for good reason. It can address a vast range of skin issues, often without any downtime. At Aventura Dermatology, board-certified dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon Dr. Bertha Baum and her team of skincare experts use laser treatments to address numerous concerns. Read on to find out if laser therapy could be right for you.

How Do Laser Skin Treatments Work?

Each laser device is different, which is why some are better at addressing certain skin issues. In general, they use specific wavelengths to target discoloration while heating beneath your epidermis to promote collagen production.

Ablative laser skin resurfacing goes a step further and vaporizes the top layer of skin while stimulating collagen growth in the dermis. This treatment usually comes with some downtime as your epidermis remodels, but it can address more advanced signs of aging and severe sun damage. 

Which Skin Issues Can Laser Therapy Treat?

Laser therapy minimizes a variety of cosmetic concerns, including: 

  • Rosacea: IPL photofacials effectively eliminate redness, broken capillaries, and pustules associated with rosacea.
  • Fine lines and wrinkles: Non-ablative laser treatments stimulate collagen production, leading to fewer fine lines. CO2 laser resurfacing is more effective for deeper creases. 
  • Acne scars: If you have pitted scars from past breakouts, fractional laser treatments increase collagen production and promote smoother remodeling. 
  • Stretch marks: Stretch marks are also scars, so laser treatments can smooth the texture and increase skin elasticity in the treatment area.
  • Burns: Fractional ablative laser therapy can restore elasticity to skin affected by hypertrophic burn scars.
  • Hyperpigmentation: Excess pigment is often caused by sun damage or breakouts. Fortunately, laser therapy can minimize age spots, freckles, and discoloration.
  • Loose skin: Our skin loses elasticity as we age as our collagen and elastin naturally decrease. Laser therapy stimulates the production of these structural proteins to fight skin sagging.

Laser therapy has some incredible benefits, but it’s not the best fit for everyone. For example, if you have brown or olive skin, Dr. Baum may recommend a different skin treatment to avoid the risk of pigmentation issues.

Schedule Your Laser Skin Treatment in Aventura, Florida

With so many laser devices on the market, our welcoming team, led by experienced dermatologist Dr. Baum, can help you find the perfect treatment for your skin concerns. Call 754-544-9030 to schedule your laser skin rejuvenation at Aventura Dermatology.

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