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Types of Chemical Peels & Why They Are Necessary

Throughout our lives, our skin is exposed to sunlight and environmental toxins that contribute to signs of aging, discoloration, and other skin concerns. Chemical peels offer a noninvasive way to combat this. If you want to smooth your skin texture, eliminate blemishes, and reduce scarring, a chemical peel could help.

At Aventura Dermatology, Dr. Bertha Baum and our team of providers are well-versed in the benefits and limitations of all chemical peels. We can recommend the peel that’s best for your skin.

What Are the Three Main Types of Chemical Peels?

There are several types of chemical peels with different strengths. Some address more superficial skin imperfections, while others work deeper in the dermis. Our providers can examine your skin and recommend the type that’s best at addressing your concerns.

In-office chemical peels include:

  • Alpha hydroxy acid (AHA): This superficial peel balances exfoliation with skin sensitivity. AHA refers to several acids, including glycolic acid, which exfoliates the skin and stimulates collagen production. AHA peels reduce age spots, dry skin, sun damage, lines, and stubborn blackheads.
  • Trichloroacetic acid (TCA): TCA is a medium-depth peel. If you have pigment irregularities, deep wrinkling, or acne scars, this peel can improve skin tone and texture. TCA peels can also be used to treat pre-cancerous growths known as actinic keratosis.
  • Phenol: This deep peel uses carbolic acid to deliver the most dramatic results, but it isn’t suitable for all skin types. If you have more advanced signs of aging or deep scarring, this peel might be recommended. Phenol peels should only be applied by a highly skilled provider like a dermatologist at Aventura Dermatology.

Professional Chemical Peels vs. At-Home Treatments

While it’s tempting to cut costs with DIY treatments, you won’t achieve the same results with chemical exfoliants from the beauty aisle. You might notice similar active ingredients in at-home solutions, but these don’t provide the same concentration as in-office peels. 

A professional chemical peel will deliver much more visible results, but should always be performed by an experienced provider. At Aventura Dermatology, our team of doctors, physician assistants, and licensed aestheticians can safely administer these peels.

Book Your Chemical Peel in Aventura

If you want to enjoy brighter skin without the longer recovery time that comes with invasive procedures, a chemical peel could be the perfect solution. Schedule your Aventura, Florida chemical peel consultation at 754-544-9030. Our providers are happy to answer any questions and recommend a treatment plan that’s right for you.

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